Sunday, April 14, 2019

Welcome to Read to Your Babybump (formerly Read to Your Unborn Baby)

This is a preliteracy initiative which is part of "My 3 S.E.E.D.S.", (Social Enterprises in Educational Discoveries)
I have designated May to be National Read to Your Babybump Month, encouraging mother's-to-be to read to their babies in the womb before they are born. As a mother, I read to my 2 (now grown) children while they were in the womb which resulted in them reading early before they entered elementary school and their reading levels were above the average for their grades. Now that I am a grandmother, my daughter has read to her twin toddler boys in the womb and they were reading at age 3. I am a living witness that preliteracy begins before birth and it has positive outcomes. Stay tuned for the book release and exciting upcoming events.

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